Just Some Guys Trying to Get By


Currently looking up some inspiration for how to do the layouts for my other pages. Will be updated eventually.



A moody teenager locked in a constant battle with her depression. Elliot is praised for being mature and intelligent for her age but it’s fueled by a strong, lingering, fear that showing the cracks in her life will cause her to get shipped away to a mental institution. So she puts on a mask, goes about her day pretending that she’s better than her juvenile classmates, and goes home at the end of the day to suffer in silence. It's a life she's more than willing to play out...at least until the day she wakes up and finds herself far from home and under the surveillance of a rambling stranger. It turns out Elliot is some kind of prophesied figure who is destined to bring the world into a new age of peace, which- understandably- doesn't sit well with her at all.

Worth more trouble than she lets on; underneath those tired gray eyes, Elliot is a sarcastic pessimist who is willing to do/say whatever is necessary to benefit herself at any moment, even if those moments end up getting her into even more danger. She has no idea how to go about saving the world or even where to take the first step, and the fear and uncertainty only grows stronger the longer she roams the country looking for a solution.



A wild and scraggly youth squatting in an abandoned building in some dying town. Seth...sure is trying their best. Paranoid, covered in scars, avoided by others due to a strange skin condition and a few public manic episodes; they certainly have a lot going on and nobody really knows what their deal is. They just showed up one day and people have felt uneasy around them ever since. The body Seth is forced to live with is one that is constantly in pain; always burning and aching, always getting sick or convulsing, always causing them to seek out the aid of drugs to help manage everything. And then there’s the voices. Persistent, convincing, always twisting the truth. Drugs don’t help, if anything, drug use makes them worse, it makes them louder, it makes them stronger, and it’s getting to a point where Seth isn’t sure if they can handle it anymore.

Always on edge and talking to thin air, has a hard time acting normal and every failed attempt to fit only shines a brighter light on their issues. Seth has a hard time seeing themselves as a normal person- or even anything that’s close to being remotely human- thus they always refer to themselves as a “monster” and often refuses to be called by gender specific pronouns because “what use does a monster have for those?”

There's more to the illness that Seth suffers from than meets the eye.



A proud and confident young woman hailing from a tribe of Beast folk, Lidia is the pinnacle of Beast-man perfection to the eyes of her peers. She's bold and powerful, snarky but kind, and has all the qualities of a great leader. She's determined to carry out the role that's been given to every generation of her family for centuries; when the next prophesised hero is revealed, it will be her job to lead and protect them until their duty is fullfilled. It's a task she's been eagerly looking foward to ever since she was chosen to assist the foretold hero, even if the mission could lead to her death- it won't stop her from making her family proud and healing the world. Meeting Elliot (the current hero of prophecy) is one of the greatest moments of her life but her dreams and aspirations come with a cost.

Lidia has no idea what she's getting herself into...

Something of a foil to Elliot's growing cynicism and apathy, Lidia is trying her best to be a supportive friend and the hardened guardian/warrior she spent most of her life training to become. The two get along well enough, and Lidia certainly means well, but it hasn't stopped the two girls from clashing throughout their journey.

David "Dave"


A young man who's one with nature and in tune with the cosmos (whatever that means), Dave has spent the most formative years of his life traveling the country with a hippie commune promoting peace, love, and good vibes. It's a simple life that's far from being glamorous but it suits him jsut fine. He likes to put on an act with strangers and people of interest, but Dave is far from being a blissfully unaware idiot. He's well aware of the state the world is in and knows far more than he lets on. With his friends and family he’s just a chill and gentle soul, but if anyone were to let their guard down he'd slowly find ways to manipulate them down his desired path for shits and giggles.

Unfortunately for Elliot, she quickly sparks his curiosity and unknowingly becomes a pawn in his mind games.
