The Creep Cast
Jill Bennett

The unfortunate leading lady of the story. After recovering from a complicated breakup, a stressful semester in college, and the untimely death of her mother, Jill has a little moment and decides to make a big change in her life by finding her own place to live. Maybe moving away, settling down in a new house far away from the source of her troubles, and seeing some new faces would help with the funk that she finds herself in. And at first, it's a very exciting moment for her. She finds a decently priced place in a little town out in the country, manages to work something out with the landlord, and packs up her small hoard of belongings to begin her new life.
Things are kinda weird in Pleasantville at first. The atmosphere is forever dark and gloomy, the roads are empty, and the shops look abandoned. It's a huge contrast from what she saw online. And the cozy feeling she got while scrolling through the pictures has been replaced with this...persistant sense of dread deep in the pit of her stomach. When the papers are signed and the sun goes down, the nagging feeling she come to town with suddenly starts to make sense. Pleasantville is a town populated with monsters. REAL monsters. Monsters who might not like that some random human infiltrated their sleeply little hamlet. And, unfortunately for her, that is where her story begins...
Jill is an extremely skittish person and gets scared easily, she’d jump at the sight of a leaf if it looked threatening enough. Along with trying to fit in her new home, she works as a journalist for the local paper and attends a collage a few towns over. Her hobbies include not dying, not being eaten alive, and not being dragged to hell, you know- totally normal adult things. Weird without meaning to be, awkward because she is, and always on the edge of a freak out, the locals just love their quirky new neighbor.

Fun Facts:
- Cosmo was originally the main character for Pleasantville.
- Name is taken from two ladies from two different horror game series; Jill Valentine from Resident Evil and Cybil Bennett from Silent Hill.
- Oddly enough, Jill is more afraid of clowns than she is with any of her neighbors. It's a good thing there's no such thing as a monster clown...right?
- CAN NOT see without her glasses. Her vision fucking sucks.
- Going to school for journalisim.
Beta 5

A newcomer to Pleasantville who mysteriously appeared shortly after Jill moved in...and then almost bled to death in a ditch. Beta 5 is something of a mystery to the townspeople, and himself. He has no memory of his life before being found outside of town, he has no idea how he lost an eye, or what could have possibly injured him so badly, or why he was discovered in the nude. All he knows is that his name is Beta 5 and he no longer has a home. Stranger things have happened in Pleasantville and this woundn't have been the first time somebody rolled in looking for a place to stay. And, well, that house their new neighbor recently moved into has a spare room...
Beta 5 (or "Bingo" as Jill calls him. Get it? B-5? Bingo?...Jill never said she was good at jokes...) is a himbo with the attention span of a golden retriever. He’s optimistic, full of energy, easily excitable, and overly trusting. Although there are times where he's weary of strangers. It takes a lot for him to lose his temper but it’s best not to push your luck. Because he was found by Jill, Beta 5 thinks she's just the greatest person alive and does everything in his power to keep her safe from all the things that make her jump. He’s extremely protective of the poor dork and refuses to leave her side, which causes problems and at one point resulted with a very long talk about personal space.
Fun Facts:
- Reuben was originally the male lead before the story was changed.
- Beta 5 is blind in his right eye, which was a trait that once belonged to Seth.
- Personality ended up being what Seth's used to be before the big change.
- Chews on the furniture, it drives Jill crazy.
- Scared of fireworks.