Related Art

Art related to the Falling Stars story and characters. Additional information and world building stuff that isn't mentioned in bios or the main page can sometimes be found here.

Falling Stars Teaser (2025)


Something of a teaser image for the Falling Stars story. Or at least, my best crack at it? It's messy and cluttered and has more editing than what I usually put into my work, but it was honestly kind of fun to cobble together. I don't have a whole lot written down story wise, so picking which lines to use was kind of a challenge. But I do have a few of my favorite ones in here, including one you guys have seen before.


The "Buddy System" of the Falling Stars story, it pretty much summarizes how the main quartet feel about each other during their travels with the strongest combos being Elliot and Seth's friendship and Lidia and Dave's pure, understandable, hatred for each other.

For those of you who can't read my handwriting, the Buddy System goes as such:

  • Elliot - Lidia = Respects
  • Elliot - Dave = Complicated
  • Seth - Dave = Hate
  • Seth - Lidia = Scared
  • Lidia - Elliot = Devoted
  • Lidia - Seth = Nervous
  • Dave - Elliot = Crush
  • Dave - Seth = Nervous


Dave_Head Lidia_Head


The Dads


Introducing Cooper and Micha Pembroke; a dog-aligned Beast couple and Elliot's adopted fathers.

Yes. Elliot is a non-Beast child adopted by a Beast family. And while the world they live in has very mixed views on the adoption (with some neighbors even claiming that they only did it to fill the girl's head with pro Beast propaganda), it doesn't stop them from being a family. Elliot may not have fangs or claws like her siblings, but they love her regardless with all their heart and she misses them terribly during her travels around the country.

Cooper owns a local bakery and Micha is a history teacher. I'm still working on their designs but they will get refs eventually.

A Villain


One of the bad guys Elliot and Co. are trying to evade, and who I'm still trying to figure out design wise. Living in a universe where a small percentage of the population are animal people, I'm still wondering how far I'm going to lean into the animal aspect of it.

Until then, have some mock up sketches of Lupus (and my favorite line in the story), a bounty hunter hired to track down Elliot and bring her back to the main villain. He's a calculating but heavily sarcastic man who only takes his job seriously when his targets put up a fight and give him something of a challenge. Morally gray at best. He’s very aware of the moral complexities of hunting down a child for sport and bringing them back to some guy in a shady lab, but hey, he doesn't get paid to think about these things.

Lupus Expressions

lupus_heads lupus_heads2

More Lupus, with even more lines from the story. These are just little expression tests. Lupus is a pretty expressive guy, he likes to show off his teeth and flash innocent smiles. I'm not a furry artist by any means, so figuring out how to draw animal people and give them readable emotions that don't look too silly is still a challenge for me. But I do think I'm getting the hang of drawing him, if you don't count the inconsistent ear notches or shape/length of his snoot.

Dave's Secret


Dave is someone I haven't talked about all that much, even though he's one of my favorite characters to write.

And I did that on purpose...

I had planned to make an introductory comic that goes over the history of the Falling Stars world forever ago and...production on that is still in limbo. It was really just for the sake of introducing the three races that would populate Elliot's world. You've already seen Elliot in all her plainness, and Lidia and Lupus in their anthro furry glory, but the third race is best represented in Dave who comes from a race of super uncanny alien-like people with a design that plays on the "gray aliens" you see in some media. Their most unsettling feature is their eyes, which take up most of their faces and look rather...empty? Soulless? There's a reason his people are described as off-putting.

Village Boys

beast_boys beta_boys

A pair of Beast teens who appear in the Falling Stars story and are constantly butting heads with Elliot and Seth. Their names are Hunter (left) and Lucky (right) and aside from being best friends, they're also a couple.

Much like with Lupus, I'm still trying to figure out how animal I want the animal people to look or whether or not they should even have hair? It kind of gets in the way but that could just be my lack of skill saying that. Their designs are still being worked on and they'll get full body refs eventually, but I unironically like the beta design for Lucky where I somehow ended up making him look like Jerma.

Past Reminders


Seth has been through a lot for someone so young and it can be seen most with the state of their body, which is riddled with scars of all shapes and sizes. Most of them are self-inflicted or came from a nasty fight -and it's easy to tell which ones those are- but then there are others that can't be explained; ones that are small and clean, old bullet wounds aiming for vital organs, a failed attempt to slit their throat. Seeing them always makes Elliot uncomfortable, especially when Seth describes everything that happened to them in gruesome detail and comes to the conclusion that they simply can't die. It's a bold claim to make.

The Gods have no favorites.

Everyone is destined to die.

But as time goes on and they start to find themselves in more and more danger...Elliot starts to wonder if Seth really is telling the truth...

Seth and Grounding (Blood Warning)


So, I've mentioned before that Seth is kinda odd but I've never gone into how odd they are. Probably my most tortured character, Seth has a lot going on both physically and mentally. They're covered in scars that they like to nervously pick at, there's a voice in their head that's starting to get very hard to ignore, and of course there's their problematic grounding method that involves biting down on their hand so hard that they end up breaking almost every bone. It's okay though. Seth's body, somehow, is able to recover pretty quickly from any injury and soon enough, their hand is back to normal.

The sanity of anyone who sees this is another story though.
