Old Concept Art
As mentioned before, the story and characters of Falling Stars have been in creative limbo since I was just weird teenager who thought they were hot shit-in a creative sense. So many of my first drafts and earlier art pieces involved magic, demonic forces, and fantasy creatures I would spend hours drawing. Over time however, as I got older and thought of ways to make Falling Stars a more grounded adventure, a lot of the fantasy elements and weird little creatures got taken out. Which is kind of a shame, because teen me really knew how to make some bang'n little guys. So I decided to share some eariler concept art from back in the day.

Elliot and Seth some time in the 2010's on the left and again when I first tried to reboot the Falling Stars story in 2020 on the right. This was back when Seth was way more of a confident, well meaning, himbo but still kind of a mess and Elliot...was still the same. Throughout all the changes to the main duo and the world they live in, Elliot hasn't changed all that much- although she was much more chipper back in the day.
Unlike Seth who is now just a fucked up little guy. No confidence, no smirking, no goofy personality, only pain.

Just a funky dinosaur fella made of mud, dirt, and magic. I had named this guy Terrasaur and their body was a mash up of three different dinosaurs. Back when magic was a huge part of the story that just about anyone could use whenever they wanted to, Elliot would have summoned this guy in fights or to knock down some walls. Despite the appearance, they were just a big softie.

Fire Chimera. Just a big ball of magic, anger, and fire. I think I named it Apollo. Back when magic was a big part of the story, Elliot could use her anger to manifest this guy. Don't question the logistics of it.

A little guy. Back in the day, this was Elliot's marketable, talking, animal sidekick. Just an old worry wart that just wanted her to stay at home, get in no trouble, and date no boys. He was just a little dragon guy who could turn into bigger dragon guys. You're going to see that teen me really liked dragons, they were the source of my creative outlit. Wacky animal sidekick no longer has a part in the reboot.

A big, gnarly, demon guy. I envisioned this dude to be the big, bad, evil thing that gets taken down in the end of the story. Remember when I said that the very first Falling Stars manuscript was a melting pot of stolen ideas and things I thought were cool at the time? Well, back in the day I was really into the Demonata series by Darren Shan (which scared my dad's wife into thinking I was a Satanist) and I looked at this this dark, epic, demon fighting, gore filled, grim adventure and thought my story could use some of that too. Even though I didn't know how to write gore. Or fight scenes. Or anything for that matter.
These days, the current form of Falling Stars has no spooky demon monsters that need to be taken down and sent back to hell, but like...this design is kinda sick? Teen me couldn't write for shit but I was cooking in other areas. I might reuse this for something else.

The biggest thing teen me ever drew (probably the most effort teen me ever put into something too). From what I remember: this was supposed to be some kind of...dragon god. An almighty creature who shaped the world and breathed magic and life onto the surface, never to be seen again, and was relegated to a myth in a book somewhere. I don't know what their relevance in the first story was, or in the series teen me thought up, but I thought this looked cool enough to throw onto the "Concept Art" page.