Currently looking up some inspiration for how to do the layouts for my other pages. This is just going to be a place for all the links and references I've bookmarked and saved onto other places

Expect frequent updates and spelling errors!

frogdotLinks to Helpful Things

Photopea: It's like Photoshop, but FREE

Fire Alpaca: Another free art program

Fantasy Name Genarator: For when you need help with names

The Lost Media Wiki: The absolute GOAT of preserving lost media

frogdotArt/Writing Related Things

Art Shield: For computers that can't handle Nightshade and Glaze, Art Shield is another program that helps against the war on AI

A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters: A Tumblr blog I follow that gives tips on how to write characters with all kinds of disablities. It's a good starting point

Online Theaurus: Pretty self explanatory. It even gives you definitions

3D Room Builder: Lets you build a room

frogdotFor Fun

Neopets Magazine: For a trip down memory lane. Every page of every issue is scanned and ready to read

Media Garage: A Youtube channel that uploads old TV show pilots and has even uploaded some movies

Kidpix: It's Kidpix, for reals! Go nuts!

Vaporwave Radio: Another self explanatory one. Chill out with something different

Retro TV: Another time killer. Watch old ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more from different decades

Radio Garden: Google Earth but when you zoom in on the map you get to hear a radio station from that area

A Post: Just a fun Tumblr post talking about some DS era Pokemon games
