
Links to Helpful Things

Photopea: It's like Photoshop, but FREE

Fire Alpaca: Another free art program

Fantasy Name Genarator: For when you need help with names

The Lost Media Wiki: The absolute GOAT of preserving lost media

Art/Writing Related Things

Art Shield: For computers that can't handle Nightshade and Glaze, Art Shield is another watermarking program that helps protect your art against AI

A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters: A Tumblr blog I follow that gives tips on how to write characters with all kinds of disablities. It's a good starting point

3D Room Builder: Lets you build a room

Web Related Things

Pixel Pride Flags: A page filled with free to use pride flags. Be sure to credit Faewyllds if you use them.

Tiny Pride Pixels: A page with free itty bitty pride flags. Be sure to credit Antlers if you use them.

Fun/Cool Looking Dividers: A tumblr page filled with some cool looking dividers. Iused their lunar cycle one on the "Falling Stars" pages.

For Fun

Neopets Magazine: For a trip down memory lane. Every page of every issue is scanned and ready to read

Media Garage: A Youtube channel that uploads old TV show pilots and has even uploaded some movies

Kidpix: It's Kidpix, for reals! Go nuts!

Vaporwave Radio: Another self explanatory one. Chill out with something different

Retro TV: Another time killer. Watch old ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more from different decades

Radio Garden: Google Earth but when you zoom in on the map you get to hear a radio station from that area

A Post: Just a fun Tumblr post talking about some DS era Pokemon games

Zoo-ika: A "Suika-like" game that features cute little animals instead of happy little fruit. Free to play on your browser but you also have the option to pay to download a copy.

Moomin Official: Full episodes of the Moomins and Moomin Valley? Sure, why not?

Classic Nick: A Youtube channel thats been uploading full seasons of classic Nickelodeon shows like All That, The Amanda Show, and even Ka-Blam.

More Old Shows: Full episodes of Duckman? And all the episodes of Mission Hill? It's all white noise in the end, baby. Better watch it before some guy somewhere tries to take it all down.
