Help Me Pick a Design (please)

I don't usually do this but I'm having a hard time choosing which design to go with for a future character I plan on introducing. For contect, this is going to be someone from a race of beast-like people, but I'm wondering how beast-like I should make them? Like, just a splattering of animal features here and there or just going full anthro-furry mode?

I've added a poll below for you guys to vote on which of the three pictures you like the most! Any and all votes are greatly apprechiated, or if you don't want to vote and would rather just leave a comment somewhere, that's fine too. Thank you to all in advance and have a nice a day.

Please ignore the inconsistant skin tones between the first and second option; regardless on whichever design wins, the colors for #1 (darker skin/green shorts) will be used in all future works.

Which Design do you Prefer? free polls
